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Bloomsbury’s Ready Reckoner for Valuers by CA Harish Chander Dhamija – 1st Edition March 2021

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Ready Reckoner for Valuers is a practical guide providing the requirements of valuation under Companies Act, 2013, Income Tax Act, 1961, IBC, 2016, Ind AS, FEMA, 1999 and SEBI Regulations.

This book includes theoretical as well as practical insights on valuations under relevant statutes along with case studies and comparable analysis presented in a tabular format to make it simple and easy to understand.

It is strived to equip the readers with meaning of valuation, purpose of valuation and selection of appropriate valuation approaches and methods.

This book also explains various formulas to be applied in valuations such as Ratio Analysis, Computation of Present Value, Discount Rate, Computation of Beta, Computation of Terminal Value, Computation of IRR and Computation of Option Valuation, and Valuation Models by Professor Damodaran.

It covers the valuation of Equity shares, Preference shares, Convertible instruments, ESOP, Sweat Equity, Trade Mark, Brand, Customer relationship etc. along with Specimen Valuation Reports, Specimen Engagement Letters and Specimen Management Representation Letter.

The book has a dedicated chapter on Start-ups’ Valuation which has been curated looking at the budding entrepreneurial talent in the recent times. A separate chapter discussing the potential impact of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) on valuation has also been made part of this book.

Extracts of relevant provisions of the statutes, Guidance Note on Share Based Payments 2020 issued by ICAI, FIMMDA guidelines, Beta in four minutes and Guidance Note issued by IBBI on use of Caveats, Limitations and Disclaimers by Registered Valuers in Valuation Report forms part of a comprehensive List of Annexures appearing in this book.

This book is of immense value to Corporate Business Heads to assess the value of alternative strategies. It will aid them in knowing how much value they can create through restructuring and other major transactions. In addition, it will serve as a valuable ready reckoner to every corporate finance practitioner, Securities Analyst, Registered Valuers, Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Cost Accountants and other professional and corporate personnel who wants to understand the approaches and methods of valuation under various requirements and situations.

Key Highlights

• Comprehensive coverage on Valuation Standards, Methods and Approaches

• Valuation of Start-ups

• Impact on valuation of Environmental, Social and Governance

• Case Studies on

– Mergers and Acquisitions

– Hybrid Instruments

– ESOP and Sweat Equity

– Corporate Guarantees

– Intangible Assets

– Business Combination

•  Specimen Reports on Valuation under Companies Act, IT Act, SEBI, IBC, FEMA and Ind AS.

•  Guidance Note issued by IBBI on use of Caveats, Limitations and Disclaimers

•  Comparative analysis of International Valuation Standards and ICAI Valuation Standards

•  FAQs on Valuations


  • Paperback : 1250 pages
  • Publisher : Bloomsbury
  • Author : Harish Chander Dhamija
  • Edition : 1st Edition March 2021
  • Language : English
  • ISBN-10 : 9789390513635
  • ISBN-13 : 9789390513635


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