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CA Madhukar N Hiregange, [B.Com., FCA, DISA, Passed CISA], is a senior partner at a multi-locational firm in India. He has jointly authored 23 books on Central Excise, Service Tax, Karnataka VAT and Excise/Service Tax Audit, IDT – IPCC Study Material, Central Sales Tax, GST – A Primer-2 Editions, GST Classification & Exemption 2017, Compendium of Issues and Solutions in GST – March 2018/ May 2019 and GST Tariff – October 2018. He is also working on Beginners Handbook on GST and 2 sectoral books on GST on Textiles/ Real Estate, slated to be published in November 2019. He is constantly active in spreading awareness about Indirect Taxes through seminars, articles, linkedin, facebook, youtube, &, etc. He had been a Central Council Member, ICAI, for the term 2010-13 & 2106- 19, with a vision of enhancing the credibility of the profession and strengthening the professionals in practice and employment. He had also served as Chairman of the Indirect Tax Committee, for the year 2012 and term 2016-19, with the privilege of leading a wonderful and contributing team for 4 years.
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There has been a long-felt need for a book on the fundamental principles of ‘Indian’ patent law. Patent Law Cases and Materials is an effort in this direction. It is a no-nonsense, no-rhetoric book, focussing on the law, its interpretation and application.
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This book provides readers with the way courts have interpreted indirect tax statutes with reference to case laws, sections and delegated legislation. Arranged under major concepts, the insight provided will be beneficial to judges, justices, practitioners, tax officials and to law colleges.
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The book provides detailed analysis of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 which replaced the Listing Agreement and were notified on 2 September 2015.
These Regulations impose considerable volume of compliance obligations on listed entities and every listed entity is obligated to comply with them. The volume of the Regulations and the pace at which they have been undergoing frequent changes makes the task of compliance a hard one for the compliance officers.
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