Taxmann Income Tax Rules 59th Edition 2022
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This book covers amended, updated & annotated text of the Income-tax Rules and 20+ Allied Rules such as ICDS, Faceless Assessment, Appeals & Penalty, etc. All Forms carry action points that explain the relevant provision and process of filing. Also, redundant & e-forms are marked for quick identification.
This book covers the Amended, Updated & Annotated text of the Income-tax Rules and 20+ Allied Rules.
The recent changes in the Income-tax Rules, 1962 are as follows:
- [Omitted] Omission of outdated 24 Rules and 70+ Forms
- [Insertion of New Rules & Changes in Existing Rules] Insertion of 24 new Rules and change in 20 existing Rules
- [Insertion of New Forms & Changes in Existing Forms] Insertion of 20 new Forms and change in 16 existing Forms
- [New Rules]
- New Rule for computation of capital gains on the sum received from ULIPs that are not exempt under section 10(10D)
- New Rules and Forms for registration and approval of charitable trusts, institutions, and funds
- New Rules to claim relief on offshore indirect transfer of Indian assets by entities impacted by the retrospective amendment
- New Rule specifying the threshold limit for significant economic presence
- New Rule for computing taxable interest on provident fund contributions exceeding threshold limits
- New Form 12BBA to be submitted by senior citizens to claim the benefit of section 194P
The Present Publication is the 59th Edition & updated till the Income Tax (Second Amendment) Rules 2022, authored by Taxmann’s Editorial Board, with the following noteworthy features:
- [Coverage] of this book includes:
- All Rules and Schemes, which are either notified under the Income-tax Act or referred to in different provisions of the Income-tax Act, are covered
- Contains 23 divisions covering all Rules relevant under the Income-tax Act, i.e.,
- Income-tax Rules
- Faceless Assessment, Appeal & Penalty Scheme with Directions
- STT, CTT & EL, etc.
- [Action Points for Forms] All Forms carry Action Points that explain the Relevant Provisions and Process of Filing
- [Quick Identification for Redundant & e-Forms]
- [Bestseller Series] Taxmann’s series of Bestseller Books for more than Five Decades
- [Zero Error] Follows the Six Sigma Approach to achieve the benchmark of ‘Zero Error’
The contents of the book are as follows:
- Income-tax Rules, 1962Â amended up to date with a list of e-Forms & text of provisions of Allied Law
- Income Computation and Disclosure Standards
- Income-tax (Appellate Tribunal) Rules, 1963Â along with the text of the Standing Order under Income-tax (Appellate Tribunal) Rules 1963, other Notifications & Instructions, and text of the Income-tax Appellate Tribunal Members (Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules 1963
- Faceless Assessment Scheme, 2019Â with Directions
- Faceless Appeal Scheme, 2021
- Faceless Penalty Scheme, 2021Â with Directions
- Commodities Transaction Tax Rules, 2013
- Securities Transaction Tax Rules, 2004Â as amended up to date
- Equalisation Levy Rules, 2016
- Prohibition of Benami Property Transaction Rules, 2016
- Income-tax (Dispute Resolution Panel) Rules, 2009
- Authority for Advance Rulings (Procedure) Rules, 1996
- Centralized Verification Scheme, 2019
- Centralized Processing of Returns Scheme, 2011Â with the text of Application of provisions of Act relating to the processing of Returns
- e-Settlement Scheme, 2021
- e-Verification Scheme, 2021
- e-Advance Rulings Scheme, 2022
- Capital Gains Accounts Scheme, 1988
- Reverse Mortgage Scheme, 2008
- Reduction of Wavier of Interest under Section 234A/234B/234CÂ with CBDT’s Instructions for waiver or reduction of interest
- Delay in Filing Refund Claim with condonation of delay in filing refund claim and claim of carry forward of losses under section 119(2)(b) of the Income-tax Act
- Relaxation of Validation (Section 119 of the Finance Act 2012) Rules, 2021
- EDITION -9789391596590 59th Edition
- ISBN – 9789391596590
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