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Bharat Companies (Auditors Report) Order By CA Kamal Garg

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Bharat Companies (Auditors Report) Order By CA Kamal Garg


GST Law and Commentary Analysis and Procedures By Bimal Jain & A2Z Taxcorp LLP Description About The Book This GST book extensively covers in-depth analyses of CGST, SGST, IGST, UTGST and GST Compensation Cess Laws along with the Rules, Notifications, Circulars, Instructions and Clarifications issued thereunder and comprehensively discusses all the key GST provisions along with challenges and way forward suggestions, in commentary as well as tabular/pictorial formats with multiple practical case studies and examples. Further, this book provides a detailed insight to the readers for proper understanding of GST Law and rules made thereunder and useful to to professionals, corporates, regulators, govt. authorities, etc., for easy and convenient reference. Highlights of Volume 1 Detailed commentary on various domains of GST (law & provisions) viz. Supply of goods or services – intra-state and inter-state. Principles of time of supply & place of supply, taxable person, GST ITC, reverse charge mechanism, exports and imports, job work, TDS, TCS, etc., with practical case studies and illustrations & FAQs for conceptual clarity Discussion on all updated provisions and rules along with various notifications, circulars, clarifications, etc., as on date including all the decisions of the GST Council Meetings as on date Analytical discussion on all important GST pronouncements by Advance Rulings & High Courts and Supreme Court with settled legal jurisprudence of pre-GST era and their likely effect on businesses along with suggestion/ key precautions Effective takeaways and action plan for smooth sailing in GST with suggestions Highlights of Volume 2 Detailed discussion on constitution of the GST Appellate Tribunal and Benches thereof Detailed analysis on demand and recovery, inspection, search, seizure & arrest, etc., offences, penalties, prosecution, compounding, and appeals & revision, under GST with practical case studies and illustrations & FAQs for conceptual clarity. Detailed discussion with tabular presentation of all procedural requirements viz. registration, payment, invoice, refund under GST, e-way bill, along with relevant forms & their due dates, practical case studies, illustrations & FAQs for conceptual clarity Discussion and guidance for implementation of ‘e-invoicing’ and ‘QR code’ Highlights of Volume 3 Detailed discussion with tabular presentation of all procedural requirements in GST Returns filing & matching of GST ITC – where GST credit is dependent upon tax compliant suppliers and Introduction of Credit rating system of taxpayers. Detailed discussion with tabular presentation of GSTR 9 and GSTR 9C Complete Guide and Manual for GST Rates of Goods or Services/ Exemptions of Goods or Services [updated as on date including all the latest notifications, circulars, press release, etc.] Multiple Case Studies and Legal Jurisprudence on Classification and Exemption of Goods or Services and its corresponding GST Rates and Exemptions Updated GST Rates Notifications for Goods or Services/ Exemption Notifications for Goods or Services [as on date] Highlights of Volume 4 Constitution (101st Amendment) Act, 2016 Updated CGST, IGST, UTGST and Compensation Cess Acts, 2017 as amended vide the Finance Act, 2023 [Updated as on date] Updated CGST, IGST, UTGST and GST Compensation Cess Rules, 2017 [Updated as on date] Updated Gist of all Notifications – Tariff and Non-Tariff, Circulars, Orders, and Press Releases [Updated as on date] Index of all GST Forms along with their utility under GST Index of all GST Council Meetings Scratch the coupon code given in the Book to download the following: All Updated Notifications – Tariff and Non-Tariff, Circulars, Orders, and Press Releases (Since July 01, 2017) All GST Forms along with their utility under GST [Updated as on date] Available functionalities on GST Common portal [Updated as on date] Updated Guidelines and Instructions by CBIC [Updated as on date] Updated GSTN Press Release [Updated as on date] All annexures that have been referred in all chapter(s) Revenue Performance Assessment of Indian GST Fixing the GST Process: Five Years of Iterative Problem Solving All India GST Audit Manual 2023 KEY FEATURES OF THE BOOK Detailed commentary on CGST, SGST, IGST, UTGST and GST Compensation Cess Laws along with the Rules made thereunder to encapsulate the provisions for easy digest Discussion on various domains – viz. supply of goods or services intra-state and inter-state, principles of place of supply & time of supply, taxable person, GST ITC, reverse charge, exports and imports, job work, GST rates, TDS, TCS, e-way bill, appeals and revision, demand and recovery, inspection, search & seizure, arrests, offences, penalties, etc. In-depth analyses of meaning and scope of term ‘supply’, principles of ‘time & place of supply’ with multiple case studies and likely issues with way forward suggestions Analyses and discussion on seam less flow of input tax credit in GST with multiple examples Case studies on various aspects of ‘valuation’ – transaction value, related party transactions, stock transfers, cross charge, etc. Analyses of Exports, Imports and supplies to or by SEZ units/developers in GST along with documentation required vis-a-vis refund mechanism Flowcharts on various rules & procedural aspects of GST-registration, payment, invoice, returns and refund along with guidance & implementation of ‘e-invoicing’ and ‘QR Code’ Analyses of various provisions for assessment & audit, demand & recovery and offences & penalties, search, seizure, arrests and compounding of offences along with procedural flowcharts for appeals & revision and advance ruling Detailed discussion on constitution of the GST Appellate Tribunal and Benches thereof Discussions on filing of GSTR 1, GSTR 3B, GSTR 4, GSTR 6, GSTR 7, GSTR 8, GSTR 9/ 9C, GSTR 10 with payment of taxes All updated provisions and rules along with topic wise bifurcation of all departmental clarifications, CBIC FAQs as updated, press releases, circulars, orders, e-


Chapter 1       Audit Report

Chapter 2       The Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2020 —
Clause by clause Commentary on Applicability and Reporting Requirements

Appendix I     Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014

Appendix II   Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014

Chapter 3       Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2016 — Checklist and Specimen Reporting for Significant Matters

Appendix 1    Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2016

Chapter 4       Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2020 — Checklist

Appendix 1    Schedule III

Appendix 2    Schedule III (2021 Amendments)

Chapter 5       Guidance Notes on Auditing Aspects

Chapter 6       Standards on Quality Control and Assurance Engagements

Chapter 7        Standards of Auditing

About the Author

CA. Kamal Garg [B. Com (H), FCA, DISA (ICAI), Insolvency Professional] is a Fellow Member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and a First Class Commerce Baccalaureate from Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, University of Delhi and a consulting academician in KGMA, Delhi. He was also the member of Board of Studies (BOS) Study Material Research Group (2009-2010) of NIRC of ICAI and a special invitee member of Accounting Standards Board (ASB) (2012-2013) and Ind AS (IFRS) Implementation Committee (2014-2015) of ICAI. He is also the faculty member of Ethical Standards Board (ESB) of ICAI and had an opportunity to act as a speaker in the very Ist Live Webcast held by ESB of ICAI in March 2013. He is also a key resource person for development and review of various study contents and webcasts for BOS of ICAI, such as study material and practice manual on Advanced Auditing for CA Final


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